Friday, 23 January 2009

Friday Worship

Welcome to Friday Worship.
(We apologize for the slight delay in publication.)

This week's Friday Worship is dedicated to the beauty, sensuality and sexuality of the mature woman.

The Holy One stands alone in the clear sky;
On all the people of the land
The Lady looks in sweet wonder from the midst of Heaven;
The People parade before holy Inanna
The Lady of the Evening, Innana is lofty
Innana I would praise as is fitting
The La
dy of the Evening is lofty on the horizon

At evening the radiant star, the great light fills the sky
The Lady of the Evening comes bravely forth from heaven
The people in all the lands lift their eyes to Her
The ox in his yoke lows for her
The sheep stir up the dust in their fold
The beasts, the many living creatures of the steppe
The four legged creatures of the high steppe
The lush gardens and orchards, the green reeds and trees
The fish of the Deep and the birds
of Heaven
Inanna makes them hurry to their sleeping places

The living creatures and the people kneel before her
Chosen ones prepare great quantities of food and drink for Her
The Lady refreshes Herself in the land

The people celebrate
The young man makes love with his beloved

My lady looks on in sweet wonder from the midst of Heaven
The people parade before holy Inanna

The Lady of the Evening, Innana is lofty
Inanna I would praise as is fitting
The Lady of the Evening is lofty on the horizon

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